These dangerous outrages on the peace of society, and the property of individuals still
continue, and with which is combined a spirit of indiscriminate plunder, and in some cases the demand of arms is only the ostensible pretext the real object being to obtain money. On Saturday
morning, about one o'clock, the family of Mr. Barraclough was roused from sleep, by a party of men, who demanded fire arms, this demand was immediately complied with, and a piece was given to
them out of the window, but not content with this, they insisted that the door should be opened to them, which was done, having obtained admittance, they insisted upon having the keys of the desk and
drawers, which they completely ransacked, but without finding any money, disappointed in the search, they proceeded to the bed-room of Mr. Barraclough, and insisted upon his giving them all the money
he had, he gave them about 20s. in silver, and having helped themselves to a large loaf, a piece of cheese, and some butter, they took their leave; one of the party almost immediately returned, and
brought back the piece, saying they had no occasion for it. The same night a robbery very similar in its circumstances, took place at Kirkburton, near Huddersfield, but in which the robbers, were not
so ceremonious as to ask for admittance, but broke into the house, and two of them entered the bedroom of Mr. Savage, and each presenting a pistol to Mr. Savage and his son who slept in the same
room, demanded his money and keys, he gave them about 23 s. and they proceeded to examine his drawers, but did not meet with the treasure they expected; Mr. Savage having fortunately been
disappointed in receiving a very considerable sum of money; which was to have been paid to him the preceding day. On Wednesday last, a number of women seized a cart loaded with potatoes, at
Horbury, near Wakefield, because the owner asked too high a price for them, and emptied its contents into the street, where they amused themselves in kicking about the potatoes; on the appearance of
a few Hussars, this trifling disturbance was appeased. Several of the most active of these disorderly persons were taken into custody. Our Huddersfield Correspondent, under the date of June 18,
says,—"About twelve o'clock on Monday night last, three musket balls were fired thro' the windows into the house of Mr. Wm. Milnes, who is a Constable at Lockwood, near
Huddersfield; the windows were then broke to pieces with large sticks, and the persons who committed this atrocious act, immediately made off. It appears Mr. Milnes had incurred the displeasure of
the Luddites by the vigilant discharge of his duty as a Constable. Similar depredations have also been committed at the house of an Excise Officer at Elland; he had several pistols in his house which
he was compelled to deliver up. —These atrocities have become so common in this neighbourhood, that they now excite little attention."