Over the last 11 years I have had numerous E-mails requesting assistance in researching family history etc, although this web site can often provide information that is not really its
intended purpose. So maybe it is about time to try and bring the information I have (and any you too can provide!) into one central searchable archive.
My intention (provided there is enough interest shown) is to build an online public archive of historic material relating to Mirfield, be that pictures, maps, documents, newspaper
clippings or any other items of interest.
At the moment I am in the process of collecting together and scanning my own and others collections of Mirfield pictures to hopefully create an archive of Mirfield pictures later this
To do well this type of thing is very time consuming unfortunately a commodity of which I don't have much to spare. How far and how quickly the archive progresses will be
largely dependent on the support and interest shown!!
So to kick things off we will start with a bit of "Not the latest news!" and a look at 19th century newspaper coverage of the Mirfield news of the day.