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Robin Hoods Grave

The Gatehouse in 1795.

The original grave slab that was chipped away.

The original grave-slab featured a large cross and the inscription, "Here lie Roberd Hude, Willm Goldburgh, Thomas . . . " has long disappeared, it was literally chipped away over the ages to be used as a supposed cure for toothache!

In 1773 the then Lord Armytage enclosed the grave in a low stone wall with iron railings, the grave suffered further damage in the 19th century at the hands of navvies who were constructing the nearby railway.

The Grave today.

The grave is still there today but in very poor condition and deteriorating rapidly. It is now overgrown and quite hard to find, for many years the Armytage family very actively discouraged people from trespassing on their grounds to visiting the site and the grave was largely left forgotten.
The grave is still in private grounds as is the Gate house but in recent years Lady Armytage has allowed several organised visits.  

At the time the grave was enclosed  a stone bearing a carved epitaph was "found" nearby this was incorporated in the wall, it bears the following inscripion:

As you probably guessed the epitaph is an 18th century fake, but as to whether Robin Hood does lie in the grave no one knows.
The grave has never been the subject of any true archeological investigation. During 1795 Sir Samuel Armytage excavated the grave to a depth of one yard and found nothing.

The carved stone epitaph.

You can discover a bit more about the Three nuns and it's surroundings in the special features section A Famous Yorkshire Roadhouse HERE.

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